coc mercedescoc mercedes example

The certificate of conformity, CoC or certificate of conformity CE is the official CertifAuto document ensuring that your vehicle complies with the European Union vehicle specification – EU type approval.

On COC MERCEDES you will find all the properties of your vehicle – displayed through 51 (38 or 18 or 11 points), for instance its power, number of seats, weight…

Certificates of conformity C.O.C MERCEDES/CertifAuto can only be provided for private vehicles of class M1, motorcycles and trailers. CertifAuto / MERCEDES saves you time compared to the standard procedure done by Volkswagen France by mail.

When buying a new vehicle, a C.O.C must come with to register it in France. After being imported in one of EU countries, a new C.O.C must be ordered and shown to authorities in the other EU country. CertifAuto will deliver the C.O.C within 8 days.

This conformity document can only be provided for cars made after 1996 and put into use within the EU territory. CertifAuto, Official website, is a best solution for to get your C.O.C MERCEDES in a few minutes.


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